Back home

 Posted by (Visited 6634 times)  Misc, Open thread
Oct 252007

And everything looks fine. The filter from the air conditioner was truly horrendous, nearly solid charcoal colored. Here’s some pics from the way back. Click on any of them to get larger versions…

Smoke in Anaheim

This is what the smoke is looking like over the southern LA area. It was like this in Anaheim (where even the mighty big hotel AC systems couldn’t combat the smell of smoke), and pretty much all the way down to San Juan Capistrano.

Camp Pendleton smoke And then it got worse. This is the smoke as you leave San Clemente and head into San Onofre and the start of Camp Pendleton.

Camp Pendleton still smolderingIf you look closely here, you can see telephone poles still smoldering actively over on the left side. This is right by the nuclear plant.

Trees by Lake Hodges

This is along the I15, close to Lake Hodges. We were in the fast lane, so we could not get a good view of the Lake proper.

Presidential traffic jamBecause of the President’s visit to Rancho Bernardo, there was horrendous traffic on the 15 near the West Bernardo exit — which is of course, the one they told people to take to get to the assistance center. You can also see how the hills by West Bernardo were burned in the background…

How strong the winds wereAs you can see, the house is fine. But check out the tiles missing from the the roof. That’s how strong the winds were. They’re shattered all along the patio there, and there’s a big ol’ dent in that camping grill you see on the patio.

  6 Responses to “Back home”

  1. 家に戻りましたby Raph, October 25th, 2007 at 1:04 pm

  2. Welcome back. hope the adventure was not overly stressful/painful for you and the family.

  3. yes, welcome back. don’t worry. you didn’t miss anything important in london. just ask Corey Bridges 🙂

  4. It’s good to hear that your house didn’t suffer any major damage and that you and your family were able to go home. I saw this news clip the other night about a newer fire suppression gel and I thought about your situation. It might be something to look into for next year.

  5. Wow. Those are some good pictures! Glad to see you are home with little damage, hope things are calming down around you.

    Thanks again for the play by play. Couldnt watch the TV anymore, all they are talking about is terrorists(trying to convince us all they started the fires) instead of updating on the people and the fires. 🙁

  6. Shoulda watched Fox, Justin. They got the coverage down pretty good, without jumping to conclusions about “terrorists” being responsible. And when I saw the footage of the Air Force DC-10 airborne-refueling tanker skimming the treetops in hilly terrain laying down a strip of goo a third of a mile long, I stood up and cheered at my TV. A jet that big, flying that low over such rough, forested terrain was an amazing piece of flying.

  7. Glad everyone is safe and sound Raph.

    without jumping to conclusions about “terrorists” being responsible

    but they just had to…

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